From Pride Comes Loneliness
Joseph's experience in prison teaches him, and us, that we succeed and flourish when we support those around us.
By Rabbi Bradley Artson, provided by the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, for
In the development of Joseph’s character and the events of his life, the Torah portrays a bittersweet lesson about the loneliness of pride. On the surface, there is no reason for Joseph to be lonely. He is, after all, the favorite child of his father, surrounded by 11 brothers, in the midst of a bustling and energetic family.
Joseph has the potential to fill his life with friendship, family and love. Yet his need to be preeminent, his need to belittle the gifts and experiences of this family in order to glorify his own talents, isolate him from his own kin. We get a clue about the extent of Joseph’s pride from the very start.
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