Rabbi Bradley Artson, American Jewish Unversity, for MyJewishLearning.com
Honesty As A Form Of Idolatry
Honesty is a value only insofar as it leads to growth, compassion and peace.
Idolatry is the practice of treating something of relative importance as though it were of ultimate significance. In our idolatrous age, we often act as though money, careers, sex appeal, or prestige are of ultimate importance, when in fact, they are only worthwhile to the degree that they can contribute to our becoming better, more compassionate and more responsible people.
Parashat Vayera highlights another source of idolatry. It is altogether common to treat honesty as the highest value possible. We justify an unkind remark with the observation that it is true; we make a virtue of telling it like it is, regardless of the effects of our self-centered "integrity."
Caring Form of Honesty
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