By Rabbi Bradley Artson, provided by the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, for
Tzedakah And Jewish Education
Our communal responsibility to ensure the immortality of the Jewish people depends on our commitment to supporting Jewish education.
Jewish education forms the backbone of our communities. We assure the community of vitality and endurance through the Hebrew studies of our children, the outreach programs for those considering conversion, and the continuing education programs for other seeking adults. And those programs need our support.
Consider today’s Torah portion. God instructs Moses to take a census of the Jewish People in order for each Jew to pay a half-shekel tax to maintain the central communal institution of Jewish learning–the Mishkan (Tabernacle). The Mishkan, a Jewish school!?! Absolutely, since it was there that the entire Jewish community gathered to learn the word of God. And that first school was supported by all. The Torah records:
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