If there is a night that is rich with peek moments, traditions and memories it is seder night! Imagine leading a communal seder of three hundred people in Dharamsala, India, where throughout the evening people trickle over to you whispering/yelling, "but you didn’t use the tune that we sing at home!" and all I can think then and there is: "But you made a choice to be thousands of miles from your home, living in a shack on the top of a mountain for a reason, didn’t you??? Surely it wasn’t to sing the melodies that you sang at home..." Smiling, I would keep that thought to myself... My mind always wanders back to that experience when preparing for Pessach.
For a moment, I’d like to ask you to see yourself at all the different seder tables that you’ve sat at in your lifetime. Whose table was it? Who was there? What did it feel like? What were the conversations about? Please observe how these variables change your feelings and memories.
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