By Rabbi Bradley Artson, provided by the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, for
The Pursuit Of Happiness
As identified Jews, our speech and actions reflect on our families and the larger Jewish people.
Ours is a culture that glories in individuality and autonomy. The foundation documents of the United States affirm the right of each individual to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Pilgrims fled England and Europe, so we are told, to practice religious liberty and to find individual freedom as well.
Justly proud of our national ideals of personal liberty and freedom, we cherish the ability to pursue happiness each in our own way. Even those Americans who came later came in search of economic freedom and personal expression. The ability to move wherever one chose, to work in any field one could, to rise as one’s talent could propel a career, speaks still to the core of our ideals as Americans.
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